Shipping Policy

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Purchases from Niche Fragrance Store are shipped from our warehouse located at 6212 N. BRITT AVENUE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64151, by courier. Please allow the following number of days from the receipt of your order:

USA Wide: 3 to 7 business days

Order deliveries will be scheduled between 9 am – 8 pm from Monday to Friday. It's important to note that goods must be signed for upon delivery. If you are unable to be present for the delivery, we recommend suggesting an alternative person, such as a family member, colleague, neighbor, etc., who can sign on your behalf.

Niche Fragrance Store holds no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person. We emphasize that we are not accountable for any damage post the delivery of the products.

Any claims for shortages or damages must be reported to our customer service on the day of delivery. Shipping and handling rates may vary based on product, packaging, size, volume, type, and other considerations. The shipping and handling charges will be presented at the time of checkout, allowing consumers to be informed before making payments.